Every First Sunday of the month you'll find prompts for doing Art, Gpose, and fic writing for sapphic ships here! Please Look forward to it!

-Ship must be a sapphic ship.
-After prompts are posted, post your work with the hashtag #xivsapphicsunday
-If your post features triggering content please be mindful of our other participants and tag it
-Please use sensitivity filters for nsfw content
-Polyshipping is welcome
-Ships can be NPC/NPC OC/NPC or OC/OC as long as its sapphic!
-You do not need to be sapphic yourself to participate. This is meant to uplift sapphic shipping in general and all should feel welcome to participate!
-Do as many prompts as you want! Do one or all of them! You have the entire month before the prompts change so pace yourself however you see fit.
-If you hate this month's prompts feel free to skip the month and come back another month. If you still want to participate you are still welcome to use the tag to post any sapphic content you want!
-Have fun!

I am open to taking prompt suggestions and also any suggestion to make this event better! If you need any clarifications on a rule or the event in anyway also feel free to send me those questions!Suggestions and Questions can be submitted to my retrospring by clicking THIS LINKPrompt suggestions might not receive answers but that doesn't mean they've been rejected! I'll keep a document of prompts for me to pull from!If you'd like some example prompts here's the prompt list I used for sapphic week in 2023

Hey I'm Gabby aka rprfloortank on twitter.
I wanted to be transparent about who's hosting and also talk about why I decided to run another sapphic event after I decided not to do sapphic week after the first year and also address some of the negativity I had seen around sapphic week. This is my little soap box moment to try to clear the air, so if you don't care about any of that click here to head back to the homepage
So I loved the outpouring of love from sapphic week but it also took a strain on my mental health that week. It was a lot of pressure to be producing for the prompts myself while also constantly checking the tag to make sure I gave everyone a retweet on the sapphic week account. Also while checking the tag through the sapphic week account I'd see a lot of people who I had blocked on my main talking shit about me for the fact I'm running sapphic week. All of that took a drastic toll on my mental health so I didn't want to run it again.So why am I here again this year? I really did miss running it but I wanted to do it differently to protect my mental health. To start downsizing the event from an entire week to a once a month event will greatly reduce the stress for myself. I hope it will also be less stressful for anyone who wanted to participate but felt bad they couldn't manage to do the entire week. I hope being a once a month event will allow all of us to be able to better pace ourselves.Furthermore I won't be using the alternate account anymore. Originally I made the alternate account to give everyone who maybe had me blocked due to petty twitter arguments from over a year prior the chance to choose if they would like to engage or not. I didn't want people to feel bad they couldn't participate because we argued one time about Emet-Selch or something else equally dumb, so the alternate account was a way to allow people to choose if they would like to engage or not. I realized rather fast this was not a great idea because the people I was in blocks with were still mad I was running it, and now I was being bombarded with seeing them mad about it.So the main change I'm going to be doing is just staying on my main so that the people who are mad can stay mad and I don't have to see it. However, I still am extending those people an olive branch. If we are in mutual blocks, you are 100% still welcome to participate if you're seeing this carrd somehow. I genuinely do not care if you have to block evade to get the prompts, this is your free invite to please participate if you really would like to despite our past disagreements.But if you DON'T participate, please do not sit there and shit on this event. This is meant to be a positive event uplifting sapphic ships! They are often overlooked in fandoms at large but especially ffxiv fandom. I really hate seeing people trying to tear down this event and bringing nothing positive to this community over it all because they hate ME.I waited over a year to see if any of the detractors would host a similar event. I thought that the community would be happier if someone else would step up. But none of the people who complained about me running this event ever did. So if you hate me that much that you refuse to participate in this event, this is my challenge to you. Run your own. Please. I think it would be GREAT to have more sapphic events, even if you put a big sticker that says "everyone but gabby is welcome on it." I do not care. But if you refuse to contribute meaningfully to this community then don't complain when I'm trying to. I really do not want to see discourse that I'm the one hosting this again. If you really care about uplifting sapphic ships, then don't get mad that it just so happens to be being done by someone you have personal beef with.If you have further questions or concerns I would be happy to answer or address them on the questions page.